Training to fail

Preparation is everything and part of this preparation is also training to fail.

The journey to your certification

It is important to remember that learning and studying for a certification is part of a bigger journey. A journey of building your skillset and awareness of the tools and features available in any particular product.

In this journey we set our expectations and timelines to give us enough time, experience and study time to pass the exam when we’re ready.

However, it’s important to not to lose sight of the fact that if we do fail it is only part of our entire journey to success. We build upon our failures! We look at our certification report and use it to take appropriate steps. We learn more in the sections required. Then, when we’re ready, we take the exam again. Remember, you can’t pass an exam you haven’t sat.


Another point worth noting is booking the exam. Sometimes it’s never a good time or we never think we’re ready. Nothing focuses the mind quite like a pending exam.

“How” to take the exam

Preparation for the certification includes not just the exam material being tested but knowing “how” to take the exam, time management and being prepared with as much knowledge on the exam as possible.

To prepare properly you need to know and understand which type of question you may get and what format they may be in. Having this knowledge before you enter the exam environment means you are prepared. With this knowledge you are less likely to be surprised or concerned about the “how” of a particular question. You can then concentrate on what information is required to select or supply the correct answer(s).

Information and wrapping up

For the Microsoft exams, have a look over the “Exam formats and question types” section at the Microsoft page here

More general information on Microsoft certifications can be found at

Finally you should also have a read over the general policies for the exam. The Microsoft Exam policies and FAQs are located at

I’m a firm believer in certification and the depth and width of knowledge you require to be successful. But complete preparartion is vital to this!

So as part of our complete journey to our destination certification we must also prepare and do some training to fail.

Good Luck and Thanks for reading!

Training to fail

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