Edit Top 200 Rows – SQL Server Tips

On occasion we just want to use “Edit Top 200 Rows” to UPDATE or INSERT data quickly, perhaps in a development enviroment to quickly test a particluar case.

Edit Top 200 Rows


When using the WorldWideImporters database and table PurchaseOrderLines we’ll see the below;

Edit Top 200 Rows Resultset


You may want to edit the “Edit Top 200 Rows” query and you can use the CTRL + 3 shortcut so the T-SQL is shown in a new pane. YOu can  then edit this to show only teh rows WHERE StockItemID = 80 as below;

Edit Top 200 Rows Resultset and Edited Query


I often find the shortcut CTRL + 3 useful.

Thanks for reading!

Edit Top 200 Rows – SQL Server Tips

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